
Monday, March 23, 2009

Tip #4: DIY Wedding Programs

Branch out beyond typical wedding programs by adding a tough of Druid fun and whimsy to them. "What Tree Did You Fall From?," a Celtic version of astrology, is the perfect distraction for those awaiting the Wedding March. Find your birthday and its corresponding tree; see if personality traits listed match yours. If you're an apple tree (December 23 to 31), are you flirtatious, adventurous, always in love? If you're a fir (july 5-14), are you sophisticated, moody, industrious? Let guests read up - and let the conversations bloom. Keep your guests occupied while they wait as well as presenting them with a unique one of a kind program that keeps you on your budget. Templates are downloadable so all you have to do is print them out and put them together!

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